Wednesday 5 August 2009

Where's Pablo?

I don't know what gave me the idea that anyone would be interested in knowing where I am; but at least it assists me in knowing where I am or at least perhaps suggesting where I should be. It will also help Mrs P know where I am. Not that I don't tell her where I am, it's just that we both tend to forget where we are or where we should be.

Wheres Pablo

So there we have it. I suspect you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about. It is a bit convoluted I admit. Well, there's a link somewhere on the left which brings up a "Where's Pablo" page courtesy of Google calendars. 

You can now instantly see where I should be at a given date. If I'm not there, I may well be somewhere else.

You might also notice something interesting happening if you scroll along to November. It's not just my birthday. Well, go on! Take a look!!  :)

I'll tell you more about that soon.

All the best for now,


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