Sunday 16 August 2009

Quiet Weekend

I've got a few busy weekends coming up so this was quite a quiet one for me.


On Saturday, I embossed and made up 110 Woodlife keyfobs to take to the Wilderness Gathering. I've managed to get a stand at the Gathering and I'll be showing folks the Woodlife Network and trying to get some donations to buy some much needed storage space. The Network is getting more and more popular by the month.

Mrs P and I tried out the gazebo I'll also be taking. That was another £29-99 but hopefully all this outlay will be worth it. I pulled short of getting a pvc Woodlife banner made up. It was just too expensive. Maybe next year.


The idea is to get people to sign up in exchange for a small donation. They will also get a key fob. I'll also be taking a few bits and pieces to show people what other people on the Network can do like Chris Grant of the Woodlife Whetstone. If there's anyone who can re-profile a knife, it's Chris. But that's for another time.


I managed a couple of hours in Broaks wood. It was a hot, fine day but there were too many people about. I watched the dragonflies at the pond and spotted this exuvia on a water mint plant. All this reminded me to get cracking with the video.

I managed to do a trailer this afternoon.

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