Sunday 23 November 2008

Not A Lot Going On?

"There's wasn't a lot going on was there?" said Mrs P as we drove Doris the Discovery home after a little outing today.

I thought about this and was just about to agree when I remembered what I had noticed looking out of the window. The drips of rain had caused interesting patterns of built up snow on the edge of the tarmac track where it had refused to melt. 


A row of this white snow pointed to an entrance of the badger sett where, judging by the tracks, there was some activity from last night's excursions. There were no tracks in the snow itself. Bedding had been left outside but this wasn't too fresh indicating that it had been a dragged out a couple of nights ago. Rabbit droppings were also around the entrance. The rabbit was possibly living in close proximity to the badgers if not in the same sett; but in a different and unused tunnel complex.



The meadow areas were a light beige colour contrasting with the dark brown of the ploughed fields, while some close cropped grassed areas were a deep manicured green. The wind was bending the larger, thin hollow grasses at a strangely obtuse angle.

We had spotted a single rabbit scooting for the cover of its burrow as we drove past it and a kestrel looked down from a tall lamp post before it decided enough was enough and headed home. I wondered if it had found enough to eat today or whether it was flying home still a little peckish.


The crows and rooks were preparing to roost in the wood, which looked magnificent in the low light as the sun began to dip down towards the horizon. The wood seemed to whisper... we'll still be here waiting.


The build up of water on the edge of the paths had created deep puddles and we had had fun splashing Doris through them.


Finally, we had watched  a dramatic sunset as the sun finally set in the eastern sky.


Not a lot going on? I'm not so sure of that.

Thanks for the visit.


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