Saturday 29 November 2008


Notes1 oldbooks-smallNotes2 

Here's some links to the more longer, rambling posts that some might find useful. I'm calling them articles. Although they are a little more researched than the normal journal posts they still remain the thoughts of an ancient, slightly senile human being who has no right to be wandering around the woods at his age. So please do your own research to ensure accuracy.

A Note for Dreamers - A discussion on extended wilderness living.

Carrying stuff - a discussion on packs and the anatomy of the spine.

Colours and Camo - A discussion about camouflage clothing (2007)

Doctrine of Signatures - A lot of of this post refers to the how wildflowers were thought to bear an outward sign of their use to mankind.

Ticks - Those nasty little arachnids that often find their way onto our skin in the summer months. What are they and how to get rid of them.

Tracking: An Introduction (pdf) - An essay to explain and introduce the principles of tracking (Nov 2008).

Tracking v Bushcraft - Early thoughts (Sept 2007) on the differences.

Yule - An ancient festival? A chat about this festivity BCE.

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