Wednesday 19 November 2008

Extract From The Diary Of An Immobile Bushcrafter

Day Four

0800 - Get up. Endeavour to wash etc etc and get dressed
0900 - Commence hopping downstairs
0910 - Arrive downstairs. Make morning flask of coffee
0920 - Sit in chair - Watch squirrels in garden. Check time to confirm it'll be another 8 hours before human contact
0930 - Access internet. Look at all useless kit sites
0932 - Promise self that not to buy any useless kit
0934 - Promise self not to buy any more useless kit
0936 - Look at all good and expensive kit sites
0938 - Promise self that not to buy any good and expensive kit
0940 - Promise self that not to buy any more good and expensive kit
0945 - Watch squirrels. Check time.


1000 - Have fun trying to extract apple from fruit bowl on coffee table using only crutches
1005 - Give up trying to extract apple from fruit bowl on coffee table using only crutches
1010 - Coffee break
1020 - Watch time and check squirrels


1030 - Hop over to hat stand.
1030 - Narrowly avoid tripping over apples on floor

1031 - Try on hats
1035 - Hop back over to chair.
1040 - Coffee break
1045 - Access internet. Check kit sites to see if anything has been added in the last hour and a half
1100 - Watch squirrels


1105 - Check blogs, web sites and other bushcrafft forums
1200 - Check watch. Wonder in amazement how time flies when you're having fun.
1205 - Lunch. Examine the possibility of setting up Trangia in lounge.
1206 - Decide against setting up Trangia in lounge
1210 - Hop into kitchen and collect sandwiches and glass of juice
1215 - Decide against hopping back to chair with glass of juice in hand
1230 - Eat sandwiches - Watch squirrels - Check time
1300 - Start listening out for postman
1330 - Joy of joys - Postman arrives!
1335 - Curse at postman for not bringing any useless or expensive kit
1340 - Try on hats
1345 - Access internet. Check to see if any blogs or new posts have been added . Oh... check on new kit.
1400 - TV time! Access TV for good documentatries
1405 - Switch off TV
1410 - Postman asks if he can be released
1415 - Eat squirrels - Check sandwiches - Watch time


1420 - Decide to explore house - Commence crawling upstairs 1440 - Arrive in study and open bushcraft wardrobe
- commence playing with bushcraft stuff
1535 - Check watch. Wonder in amazement how time flies when you're having fun
1536 - Realise in horror that it's time for exercises
1540 - Commence journey downstairs
1550 - Commence exercises
1555 - Complete exercises
1600 - Hop back into chair - Watch squirrels


1605 - Start watching dusk fall
1630 - Cease watching squirrels - too dark
1635 - Check watch - Realise human contact is now less than 1 hour away - Wonder where the day has gone
1645 - Hop into kitchen and follow Mrs P's food prep instructions for dinner

1650 - Decide leg hurts - unable to complete dinner prep task - Hop back to chair
1710 - Check watch - Human contact now less than 30 minutes away - Worry about consequences of inability to complete dinner prep task.

1720 - Clear up sandwich debris - Remove apples from floor
1725 - Practice pretending to be miserable and in pain to extract maximum sympathy
1730 - Human contact! Commence describing highly eventful day. Fall about laughing when describing fun with apples
1732 - Cease describing eventful day and laughing about apples when confronted about failure to complete dinner prep task

1740 - Commence normal evening routine.

Day Five

0800 - Get up. Endeavour to wash etc etc and get dressed
0900 - Commence hopping downstairs
0910 - Arrive downstairs. Make morning flask of coffee
0920 - Sit in chair - Watch squirrels in the garden. Check time to confirm it'll be another 8 hours before human contact

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