Sunday 14 September 2008

Last of the Summer Wine

Despite a couple of quite sunny days, the temperature dropped and the wind turned a little chilly. I could just feel a slight coolness on my fingers as the wind turned to blow from the north. Some say Autumn has started but I still say it's late summer. (Ever the optimist.)


I went out to Poor Park Woods yesterday and unsuccessfully tracked the Fallow deer around the woods for a few hours. They led me on a hilarious merry dance which I'll talk about another time. I ended up exhausted and, after a rest, decided to gather the last of the blackberries for my special Christmas brew. I had to be selective as many had passed their sell by date.

The landscape looked decidedly weary. Fields have been ploughed and the foliage looks decidedly tired and droopy. An occasional yellow leaf fluttered gently earthward on the breeze. No. It won't be long, but it's not here yet.


To prove a point I went to Broaks Wood today. It was actually warmer and the wind was again coming from the south west . 

I concentrated my efforts on the ponds and the dragonflies. I've not taken many photos of dragonflies this year and there wouldn't be too many chances left.

The bright morning sunshine brought out the larger ones first. An Emperor was hawking the main pond. Despite the 45 degree angled stick trick, he wouldn't land for love nor money.


The male Common darter didn't disappoint when I tried to get it on my finger.


The female's were a little more shy and tended to stay in the higher branches.


The Southern hawker preferred to "hang" on the gorse waiting until a little later for his flight.


This Forest bug clung to my trousers as if to hide from the aerial battles although with all that armour, I'm sure he would be fine.


This unidentified spider spun it's web quickly in the hopes of catching one of the dragonflies.


You find strange things in Broaks Wood ponds (after a design by Fenlander - cheers mate) much to the delight of the young naturalists in the area, who didn't see me put it in the pond!


Yes, it will soon be Autumn by my calculations. This weekend was definitely the Last of the Summer Wine.

Thanks for the visit.


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