Thursday 18 September 2008

Admin and Stuff Sacks

If you're lucky enough to go on regular excursions and meets you soon realise there's actually quite a lot you have to do to prepare for the trip even if it's just for a weekend. This becomes second nature eventually, but it's still worth doing it thoroughly in case something is forgotten.

There are obvious things you have to do like choosing what kit to take depending on environment, location and weather - but you also have to sort out what I call "regular admin" i.e. things that you have to prepare on a regular basis for every trip.

Most of the time I top up items immediately after the last excursion, but it's always worth a check when you pack for the next one. So here is my personal admin list:

Make sure tea, coffee and sugar is topped up in brew kit bag
Check fuel (if using liquid, gas or solid fuel)
Check hygiene pack: top up toilet paper, medicines, alcohol gel
Check first aid kit contents
Sharpen knife or knives/axes
Recharge camera batteries
Clean, Wax or dubbin boots
Charge mobile phone
Pack or print off map of area
Fill water carrier with fresh water (if needed)
Prepare rations (ingredients or pre-prepared food)
Check utility bag for tools/items needed or not needed for the particular excursion


New for this weekend's 3-day trip down to Reading is the use of coloured stuff sacks. These are Exped waterproof stuff sacks from the Little Adventure Shop (£19-95  for a set of 4 varying sizes) that can compress soft contents quite significantly. The use of different colours is handy to quickly identify the contents (although these also have a see through panel.)

In one stuff sack I've packed my Swanndri and spare socks; in another is the hammock and ties; in the other the tarp. Food will go in another (not shown).

The contents of the rucksack are now compressed, protected from damp and wet, easy to find and organised. I can't think why I haven't done this before.

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