Monday 7 December 2009

New Writer for Bushcraft and Survival Mag

We interrupt the Namibia posts to bring you a newsflash...


... From January 2010 onwards there will be a new regular wildlife writer for Bushcraft and Survival Magazine...

Me  :)

I met the editor, Simon, at the last Wilderness Gathering. The magazine wanted a slightly different aspect and a more hands-on approach to the Wildlife pages and it appeared that something similar to my blog posts fitted the bill.

So, what qualifies me to write about wildlife in a Bushcraft and Survival mag more than the next person? Well, nothing really. I suppose bringing it all together in a mixture of tracking, bushcraft, fieldcraft and a whole lot of enthusiasm and appreciation for Wildlife is the formula that has got me closer to wildlife than most and it's this aspect that I hope to pass on to the readership through the articles.


It's a bit strange because I have to write two months in advance. The January and February article has already been submitted and I was trying to write about snow on the ground as I was preparing for a trip to the Kalahari! I'm in the process of writing an early spring article for the March and April edition.

I'm not sure how the article will look yet, but I'm impressed with the magazine's glossy look and feel and the clever page design and layout of previous articles. I will certainly give you a reminder in January when the article is published so you can go straight down to the newsagents to get your copy and raise the circulation rate to astronomic proportions!


It was nice to catch up with the Berkshire mob at the weekend, and thanks again to Mark for hosting us again. It was pretty blowy on Saturday night and we all took wet tarps home. The fire managed to keep the cold out and whilst there were no major projects on the go on this occasion, it was nice just to sit and chat.

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