Sunday 26 April 2009

Too Much Going On

There's just too much going on at the moment. It's difficult to keep up with it all. I spent hours in Broaks wood just wandering along slowly trying to take everything in.


Greater Stitchwort.


Speckled wood butterfly. I also saw small cabbage whites, brimstones and orange tips.


The ponds are busy as well.


I think this is a recently hatched small red damselfly


I haven't seen yellow archangel for a long time. 


The show of bluebells never disappoint


It's an iconic British woodland scene 


Why not show them off?


Wood avens or Herb Bennet, Wild strawberry, Bugle, Gorse, Herb Robert were all there as well.

Bird life was a little more difficult to see although I did catch a glimpse at a Nuthatch and I even saw a Swallow fly over.

My super-hearing detected a sound of movement in the leaf litter as I was watching the newts in a pond and I just managed to see a dark brown shape of a vole.

I also caught a glimpse of a Muntjac.


I followed the tracks and crotties for a while but lost them in amongst the undergrowth. There were some tiny tracks amongst them; most probably young, but I didn't see any. 


Rain is forecast all next week. Who cares when the weekend is like this?

Thanks for the visit.  

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