Tuesday 14 April 2009

Back on Form

Easter Monday

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the lens of my glasses came away from the frame. I'd forgotten my hearing aids and my Aircast was getting rapidly clogged up with mud. I shook my head and pondered on my outdoor situation over the last few months. I hadn't started the new year too well and it was hardly a success a story. I started to feel sorry for myself. This was rather unlike me. The leather working projects had gone well but I felt I just needed a boost to get motivated again.


I looked about for something to fix my specs. A nettle fibre or strand of paracord would do it but I opted for some fishing line I carry in my possible's pouch. It been in there for years and I've never used it until now. Just goes to show you.


I'd brought along my home made possible's pouch and was pleased with the extra space it provided. I designed it not only to hold normal possible's stuff but other bits I come across.


I was able to fit in this jaw bone. I'm pretty sure it's from a fox.


With the specs fixed I continued my trip spotting early spring flowers like this Cuckoo flower or Lady's smock (young leaves are tasty)


... Ground Ivy


... Celandine


... Primrose (leaves and petals are tasty)


During lunch I spotted 3 fallow does browsing along the hedgerow. They were about 30 yards away and the closest I'd got to them this year. The recent cull had made them more alert so this was a good sighting. Things were beginning to look up...


...and, in fact, on looking up, I saw this chap.. a male Greater-spotted woodpecker.

Suddenly it was all happening for me and I felt as though I was getting back on form. No sooner had I had that thought when I saw a movement to my front and to the left.


It was a fox about 50 yards away. I put the camera on video mode and called him in with a squeak. To my delight, he turned towards me and came trotting up stopping about 10 yards away and stared straight at me. I was relaxed and zoned-in enough not to appear as a threat. He then turned to the left and was probably going to circle where he thought the squeak originated but my own movement as I turned the camera spooked him and he was off in the direction he came.

It's encounters like this that make it all worth it for me and the earlier melancholy moments faded away.

Below are some moving pictures. They are only a couple of minutes long.

Greater-spotted woodpecker (male)

Calling in a Fox

This weekend I'm going flint-knapping with John Lord.  Thanks for the visit.

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