Monday 19 January 2009

Badgers At Work

After looking at Badgerwatchingman's recent post, on Sunday I decided  that my last trip out for a while would be to see if there was any activity at the local badger sett. They are reasonably accessible, so I was able to have quite a good look around.


I was surprised to see so much activity in more than one entrance which may go to prove (as stated by Badgerman) that they are getting their birth chambers ready. 


There were plenty of recent tracks around the south entrance and this is where there was much evidence of fresh digging.


Last year, I only spotted two cubs but got some reasonable footage of an adult badger collecting up fresh bedding.


It was a bright day but the wind was fresh. I enjoyed the short trip out. At first it made me a little sad that I would be missing this for 6 weeks or so, but on a more positive note, I knew that with a bit of luck, the tendon would be stronger for the surgery and I would soon be back doing what I love.

Thanks for the visit.


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