Sunday 14 February 2010

All about the Muntjac

I had just got out of the car when I spotted a Muntjac in the field leading to the woods.

The Muntjac seemed oblivious as he munched on the new shoots coming through the ground and he was probably being warmed by the sun as it shone through the cold February air. He moved away slowly from me as I tried to stalk up to him. I managed to get behind him and stayed downwind enabling me to creep up to him within 20 yards.

I was only spotted after ten minutes and managed to capture it all on film.

The rest of the day paled into insignificance as I wandered around the woods. I saw 4 fallow deer at the end of my trek, which was quite pleasing because I hadn’t seen them for a while in these woods.

But this weekend, it was all about the Muntjac!

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