Saturday 7 March 2009

ATI + 128 (on 7th Sat March)

I'm getting irritable. Twitchy, moody and irritable. There's talk of Birch tapping. The sun has been out. The temperature is up and the catkins are drooping in their fresh green finery. I even heard a lawn-mower going a few days ago. And I'm still sitting here with a cast on! Is it really 128 days (a third of a year) since the original Achilles Tendon Injury. Seems like yesterday! 


I am forbidden to put any weight on this last cast under any circumstances. The last time when my foot was manoeuvred into the "neutral" or flat position I was given a shoe and I was allowed to wander around. Not this time.

IMGA0633 IMGA0632 

Well, the good news is that there's only one more week to go. Next Friday I will have the final cast removed. The consultant warned me that I will be going back into the Aircast for a while, but at least it will be weight-bearing and I will be mobile again. I suspect I will be able to take it off every now and again to build up the muscles around the injury. I agree that this time I've got to be ultra cautious and for a month or so and the Aircast will be staying on when I go on any trip to the woods.



Of course I'm glad that this is coming to an end. So is my bank manager. I've spent a small fortune on leather-making stuff! Mind you if it wasn't for the injury I wouldn't have discovered it or had the opportunity to practice.


So far I've made a sheath knife for my EKA W11, a laplander saw holder, a large possible pouch (in a sporran style) an axe holder and a notebook cover. They could all be improved especially the stitching.


I've called this series "Antique Oak - Tan". The Badger print was kindly manufactured by Jim (Kerne) over at BCUK.

Thanks for the visit.


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