Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Wilderness Gathering 2012

As I reported in the last post, the Wilderness Gathering’s 10th anniversary was held from Thursday last week until Sunday.

As always it was great to meet up with old mates and colleagues and share skills and stories.


Woodlife Trails helped out with the Coyote kids which were keen to learn about the tracks and signs animals leave behind. As well as the normal squirrel feeding signs we were lucky to pick up some nuts eaten away by a vole.


While Pablo did his usual Bushcraft and the Law lecture, JP held a fire-by-friction session where everyone who wanted to managed to get an ember, despite the high humidity.


The Table (or tables) of Death went down very well as they normally do and we had a lot of interest in our Bushcraft and Tracking courses.


Our shop (in progress) also sparked a bit of interest. Most items you can now get online here.


As usual, we must make a mention the Woodlife Makers Guild who, I am proud to say, have taken the Woodlife name and who excel in the area of woodcraft, metalcraft, leathercraft and err… canoe-building craft. It was great to see John Arthur, Richard, Jason and Joe (respectively.)

Thanks also to Beccy, Hannah who helped out continuously throughout the weekend and Griggers and Tom who also stood their turn at the stand.

The Trailer of Death won’t even be unloaded as we head for Hatfield forest next weekend for a National Trust show, closely followed by a National Trust wildcamp weekend for families.

Thanks for the visit.

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