Tuesday, 12 October 2010

October Shadowhawk Tracking Course


I’ve just got back from 4 days instructing a Shadowhawk Tracking Course. As usual it was great to see the fellow instructors and mentors.


We had 8 students, one from the USA. The emphasis for this course was on deer and the rut. Unfortunately, the rut appears to be late because of the uncommonly warm weather, and we only heard a couple of grunts from a Fallow stag in the distant Teigne valley.



This didn’t stop the course from being yet another resounding success with a few eye opening moments by the students. They successfully man-tracked around the paths and spotted many signs of the various Canonteigne inhabitants. 


Some intense study was required to pick up micro signs…


…until the tracks appeared more fully on the woodland floor.


The weather was generally fine if a little windy. Saturday night’s temperature plummeted with a strong easterly wind, making me regret not changing my summer sleeping bag and winter tarp.


Monday was a glorious day and perfect for the visualisation session in an area we call Eagle’s Dare. 


Deeper in the woods, secret streams feed the leat at the top of the waterfalls.


The weather was so good, Duncan adapted some goggles to make some sunglasses! Not quite true. This was an experiment into restricted vision.


A visit from the God of Tracking? Not quite…

Here’s a short video of the camera trap placed by the students.

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