Monday, 18 October 2010

Essex Outbacks

We had a great weekend again, courtesy of Les and Brett from Wildcrafts, as we trooped down to Kelvedon for another meet. Although a few core  members have been meeting for the last 3 years (indeed this weekend was the third anniversary of us meeting up) it was only on this weekend that the name “Essex Outbacks” came into being courtesy of Mike H.


As usual there was excellent food on hand with JP supplying and cooking a wonderful Salmon. A fallow deer road kill went into the pot (well at least some of it)  the next night to make a spectacular stew.


Bow-drill skills were practised with most getting the ember to flash into flame despite the damp conditions.


Our wander around the wood revealed a mushroom not to be messed around with. It’s one of the amanitas. Don’t ask me which one. I’ll just do a wide detour.


Spotting JP’s luxurious sleeping rig last month, I decided that pride should give way to a bit luxury in my old age and, where there isn’t a long walk in, I would, this winter, rest my old bones in this Highlander Camp bed. Comfy? You bet!! And for £24.99 you just can’t go wrong. I’m coining a new phrase… ComfyCraft!


The main purpose of the meet was to introduce some more young people to survival and bushcraft. As usual, Les and Brett led them through some fundamentals. 


JP and I (with Simon’s and Andy’s assistance) took them through an introduction to tracking.


Those who had been before were introduced to some basic stalking skills where they were covered with ash, charcoal and mud and suited up with a camo suit to spy on their friends and the other instructors.


The kids also took an interest  in our trail cam that revealed a fallow doe wandering on the outskirts of the woods. The baited trail didn’t reveal the expected foxes and badgers which was a bit of a shame. Look like JP’s been pegged… again!

Once again, thanks to Les and Brett and everyone who came along. I can feel an “Essex Outbacks” polo shirt coming on!

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