Tuesday, 15 October 2013

WIC October 2013


Once again we had a great Wilderness Immersion Course at Hatfield Forest last weekend.

The weather wasn’t too kind to us and it poured both Friday and Saturday nights but there was enough of a dry period to allow us to do some sessions on the trail during Saturday.

With mist and fog on Saturday night and the rain I didn't really expect much in the way of sightings ; but during the Sunday debrief I was proved wrong as sightings and of badger, fox and fallow came in. We populated our sound map with tawny owl calls, mutjac barks, and badger territorial fighting to name but a few.


A tracking walk turned into a fungal foray as JP expertly guided everyone through the ins and outs of ‘shrooming. At one spot we counted in the region of 15 different species of mushroom.

Many thanks to the participants, John, Ian, Andrew and Jen and of course to the regular crew who provided camp administration and delivered some excellent sessions.

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