Saturday, 27 April 2013


JP has always had a profound interest in the Natural World. As a typical "Essex Country Boy" he immediately took to the world of woodsmen, gamekeepers and local countrymen where he learnt many of his countryside skills like ferreting and rabbiting; skills that are today, sadly, all but forgotton.

His love of wildlife led him to keep numerous pets that included the usual gerbils, hamsters, rats and tropical fish - but expanded to more unusual creatures like tadpoles, newts, racing pigeons and the odd snake. Later additions (much to his parents dismay) included ferrets and tarantulas.

JP Harry

Ferrets led JP to a place for many years on the committee of the Essex Ferret Welfare Society whilst the Tarantulas took him to the committee of the British Tarantula Society ( ) as Welfare Coordinator. Expeditions to Borneo and Sri lanka found him collecting data about spiders and filming natural history footage for National Geographic (JP still keeps Ferrets and Tarantulas to this day).

First Fire

JP learnt many of his bushcraft and survival skills from experience; watching and learning from indigenous people as a result of overseas expeditions. Experience of being a cadet and scout stood him in good stead as he developed into a Bushcraft and Survival instructor for two of the top Bushcraft Schools in the UK  - Bearclaw Bushcraft and Bison Bushcraft.

In 2010 JP teamed up with Pablo to establish Woodlife Trails Ltd, a company specialising in the provision of Bushcraft, Tracking, Natural History and Countryside courses and services.

JP supports small holders associations and charities such as MIND. Using nature and bushcraft as a therapeutic tool he is also a volunteer for Open Door which helps children in care, young offenders and potential offenders to deal with the problems today's society throws at them.

JP is pasionate about educating people about the countryside and the outdoors. He wants to ensure that old countryside skills are not forgotten.

"Together with Pablo and the Woodlife Trails Team…

… We will show you how ..."

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