Friday, 1 February 2013

A Wondrous Day for Woods

While some are Saving our Woods…

…others are creating them…

Hen, our intrepid Yurt dweller and member of the Woodlife Makers’ Guild, has been ceaselessly campaigning to persuade the government not to sell off our Public Forests. This has been supported by an on-line petition with 500,000 signatures.

Yesterday it all paid off with the Environment Secretary Owen Paterson stating that the Forests are a National Asset and should not be paid off.

While this has been going on – the Woodland Trust has been leading the Jubilee Woods project. Not only are hundreds of small Jubilee Woods being created around the country but the main thrust of the project is to plant 6 million trees in 60 sites called Diamond Woods each of around 60 acres.

What’s this got to do with me? Well, remember the excitement of my little woodland becoming Local Wild Site status…


…which led to an expansion of a nearby current wood by planting new trees exactly a year ago…


Well, it has now expanded to this… Trees! As far as the eyes can see!


We have been selected to become a Diamond Wood; one of only two in Essex.


I must say I have only been slightly involved by providing access to the site and being used as a guide as a result of knowing the place as well as I do. But also myself and other Woodlife Trails Trackers have assisted by tracking and surveying the Fallow and Muntjac deer on site – always a problem when there are tasty new trees on the block!.


The result is that the first phase of planting is now complete. 35,000 trees have been planted. Another 40,000 will be planted next year. The place is covered with wisps just as far as the eye can see! A wonderful sight!

I will of course bring you updates on the progress of the woods in the future.

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