Sunday, 26 February 2012

Outbackers Meet


No one could ever accuse the Essex Outbacks crew of not living well in the woods! Even as I arrived on Saturday morning there was two stews on the way and soon, a bread mix was being baked in a dutch oven.


The day was bright and sunny but the westerly wind made it chilly.


It was hard to believe that two weeks ago there was snow covering the woodland floor. Now there were sign of spring everywhere with bluebells pushing up through the ground.


Richard had a go at making a Dakota fire-pit. It turned out well and a couple of sausages were successfully cooked .


Innovation is never too far away where the Essex Outbackers are concerned. Even empty tin cans were recycled into our version of BT. Errrr… Bush Telegraph that is!

IMGA0658I don’t think Scrivy’s mobile version will catch on.


I continued ground dwelling for the winter and I must admit, I’m getting used to it now after many years of tree dwelling. The Exped down mat helps. The temperature plummeted to minus 5 C during Saturday night, and I was snug as a bug in a Snugpak bivvy!


The magnificent stew was mopped up with Paul L’s superb bread and another successful Outback’s meal went into the recipe book.


It was great once again to meet up with the Essex Outbacks group and see friends old and new. Hope the next one comes around soon.

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