Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Hatfield forest JFrancis

We will be at Hatfield Forest during half-term on Sunday 19th February with our famous ‘Table of Death’ full of Nature exhibits for you to look at. We will also be running Bushcraft and Tracking demos and taster sessions throughout the day.


The first Woodlife Trails weekend course starts on 23rd March. Join us at Hatfield Forest for a weekend. The course is designed to show you how to set up small wildcamps and base camps in the woods. It will also show you how to run a safe and hygienic camp. We will give you the opportunity to try out various bits of kit from stoves to shelters. No more relying on YouTube videos!

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You may have noticed Woodlife Trails has a new logo. The logo is an amalgamation of Pablo’s Woodlife and JP’s Nature’s Trails logos. What do you reckon? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think. We’ve got some logo’d up goodies planned.

Have a go at our Bushcraft and Tracking courses survey? It will only take you a couple of minutes and is completely in confidence. Tell us your experiences on previous courses and what you expect from a bushcraft and/or tracking course. This will give us an idea of how to structure our programmes in the future.

We are on track to launch our Diploma in April. We have five participants so far and still have a place left. If you are seriously interested, please let us know.

That’s all for now. Thanks for the visit.

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