Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Wilderness Immersion Course


Our Woodlife Trails Wilderness Immersion Course does exactly what it says on the tin. It immerses participants into the wilderness; in this case the wonderful setting of Hatfield Forest.

Hatfield WIC Oct 2011d

Last weekend, 7 participants did exactly that. After giving them the tools of the trade, they all, without exception, came back with some stunning stories of what they observed and how close they got to the wildlife after a night spent alone in various parts of the forest. In fact, throughout the weekend we had some really good sightings all round including fox, badger and buzzards.

Of course this was partly due to the abundance of food on the forest floor and the start of the fallow deer rut.


As well as observing wildlife at close quarters, we all had the opportunity to study deer signs …


… and homes of various creatures.


The wonderful weather helped our 24 hours “on-the-trail” and classroom sessions.



Even so, our base-camp set up was available just in case and it also provided a central admin area.


Hatfield Forest was, as usual, spectacular.


Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a superb course.


Thanks to Griggers who helped out on the course and supplied the excellent footage and some of the (better) photos.

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