Monday, 6 June 2011


Woodlife Trails will provide TV production companies with woodland & wilderness awareness or Wildlife, Tracking, Bushcraft  & nature advice. We will  provide advice on how to track and get closer to wildlife. This will include training your camera crews.

Woodlife Trails has already provided Red House TV commissioned by Channel 4 with an informative insight into the urban fox, challenging people's prejudices and perceptions and talking to occupants of houses with fox "problems".

In November 2010 the crew followed JP and Pablo as they tracked foxes in various urban gardens, providing evidence of the fox's presence and correctly identifying routes in and out and interpreting behaviour from the signs left behind.  They also identified the reasons for the fox's presence in the garden and gave advice on camera to the occupants on how to deter the fox without causing the fox harm.



In June 2011, Pablo and JP were interviewed at the Bushcraft Show in the Lake District for an education programme made on behalf of Lancaster County Council. They explained about the importance of outdoor activities and a holistic approach to reconnecting with nature in the education of children, especially related to perceived risk versus benefits.

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