Sunday, 20 March 2011

Spring is Sprunging


Well…something like that! It has been a glorious weekend here in East Anglia. Cold nights have quickly given way to warm and sunny days. And to top it all, today was the spring equinox. Equal day and night.


The hum of bees making excursions out of their hives was drowned out by the hum of the lawn-mowers coughing into life for the first time since last summer.


Ground ivy, speedwell, sweet violet are all flowering, and lords and ladies (arum lilly) celandine and dog’s mercury are all pushing through the woodland floor. There’s a green haze of fresh buds on the trees.

The deer have been pretty quiet, although I’ve noticed large doe herds coming out to enjoy the warmth on the outskirts of the woods, while the bucks keep in the woods whilst they shed their antlers.


Badgers are busy and my trailcam has picked up quite a lot of activity at our local badger sett. The cubs are most probably either born or just being born underground, but they won’t emerge for 6 weeks or so yet.


Oh yes… Billy the dog got a hair cut! Despite his insistence on keeping his hair long, he was getting extremely hot going for walks;  so.. the Bischon Frise is no longer ‘Frise’ but ‘Chauve’.

Thanks for the visit.

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