Sunday, 13 February 2011

Looking for Mink

After our finds last week (a signal crayfish claw and what might possibly be a mink print) we were keen to make some follow up investigations; so JP and I may another trip to Hatfield on Friday to place a trail-cam on the stream on the south east side of Hatfield forest.


We checked along the stream to see if there was any more evidence or prints; but the recent rain had washed most of the tracks apart from the ever-present follow tracks leading out from the forest across the stream to the field.

We returned to the stream source coming out from the lakes  and pointed the cam along the shallow bank. We used some fish bait to hopefully attract something although we know that won’t last too long.


The rest of the day was spent tracking around the north west of the forest. We sporadically followed a badger track going along a tree line, across a path and over a ditch. The tracks disappeared into the woodland, heading towards a known badger sett.

Port hills

Our journey brought us to the Portingbury Hills, an Iron-age settlement, (the small patch on the left of the map) and then south west back to the car-park.

On our way out we spotted someone looking intently though binos at some birds in the tree. We stopped and to our delight, saw about 30-40 waxwings in the tree.

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I hurriedly snapped off some pics, which turned out to be rubbish, but at least shows what they are. A great end to a great day!

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