The intention is not to outdo the excellent forums already out there, but to create a friendly online environnment so that everyone can have a discussion or chat or ask advice about anything to do with the outdoors. Hopefully we can share knowledge and ideas. Think of it as a virtual campfire. If you want to join in please follow the instructions on the page to register.
You may also have noticed that I've moved from blogger to wordpress. There are a number of advantages, particularly if you have your own domain like this one.
One advantage is that you can create extra pages so you can put up other stuff up on the site either for others or for yourself.
I'd like to expand the site to offer something more. I'll do this slowly but surely, as and when I have the time. Any ideas would be good.
I've asked for feedback on the readability of the posts. A couple of people said it was too dark but most have no problems. Thanks if you commented. I have brightened up the fonts slightly. If it's too bright it tends to blur the text.
I was lucky enough not to lose any posts when converting to Wordpress. Since then I've been a little concerned despite the ability to back up posts electronically that one day I would lose 4 years worth of journal entries. This post is number 200 by the way.
I've recently found an excellent little tool that converts the Wordpress blog to pdf format. Although it's still in a beta version, I found that it formats the posts reasonably well putting the oldest posts first. Hence you have an archive of posts including all the pictures and potentially a hardcopy book.
Here's an unedited extract from 2006. (2MB) Included free are all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
Any publishers out there? :) No, I didn't think so.
Thanks for your continued visits to this site.
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