Throughout the year Woodlife Trails attends a number of Outdoor shows.
Our talks, demonstrations, activities and hands-on exhibits mainly centre on nature, wildlife and tracking (feeding signs, plaster casts, skulls, bones and scat) and how to get closer to woodland and forest inhabitants using bushcraft, tracking and field-craft techniques. We also talk about Bushcraft and the Law.
Our interactive demonstrations include: friction fire-lighting, knife-safety, carving techniques, spoon carving, introduction to tracking (using a "spoor-pit") plaster casts, field-craft and natural camouflage techniques. The demos are fun and aimed at people of all ages.
* NEW * for 2013
We will be demonstrating our Countryside Courses by flying Harry the Hawk (you will most probably have an opportunity to hold him or even fly him yourself) and demosntrating the use of ferrets for hunting.
In 2013 we will be attending the following shows:
The Bushcraft Show - 25 - 27 May 2013
Guest Speaker Pablo "Tracking in the British Woodland"
Demonstrations: Tracking and Nature Awareness, Coutryside course demo, Hawk flying
Wilderness Gathering - 15th - 18th August 2013
Guest speaker Pablo - "Bushcraft and the Law"
Demonstrations: Tracking and Nature Awareness, Coutryside course demo, Hawk flying
We also regularly attend the annual Scouts reunion and county shows. Please see Events Calendar for this year's Event dates.
If you would like to book us for your show or event, please use the Enquiry form on the Contact page. Thanks.