We had another great weekend at Hatfield Forest with our Spring Wilderness Immersion Course.
Despite heavy showers and a base-camp turning into a bit of a mud bath there were smiles on everyone’s face as they reported some amazing close encounters whilst out watching wildlife.
We also deployed the trails cams and night vision gear to great effect with a particularly good result of 4 badger cubs in a sett Lee was watching. I’ll string together some video footage when I have more time.
The Immersion course is a mixture of everything from tracking to nature-study via bushcraft. Our next Immersion course is in October and places are already filling up – so please have a look at the course page and book up now if you would like to come along.
Our next stop is in Kent for the May Day meet from Saturday 5th to Monday 7th May. We will be doing bushcraft and tracking demonstrations so go along to their web page to see what’s going on.
Thanks for the visit.